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The Whistling Diva is Everywhere!

Read the fabulous article about Carole's production - 
The Masters of Musical Whistling
International Festival and Competition.

NBC comes to the International Whistlers Convention. Watch a variety of whistlers and an interview with Carole.


Check out this Interview in



Listen to Carole

on NPR


An interview with Carole and performance is featured on NPR's All Things Considered segment about the International Whistler's convention.


Listen to Carole

on NPR


The Whistling Diva is again featured on NPR. Its Only A Game is at the Whistler's  convention.


The Whistling Diva is a featured performer in this  video promo for the baseball documetary Not Exactly Coopers Town. Enjoy this musical collage of the National Anthem starring a variety of totally unique and talented musicans.


The Whistling Diva is a guest on Sunday LA morning television show.


Look closely at the blue line in the middle of this front cover of this Pasadena Weekly. It says, Monrovia's Own Carole Anne Kaufman Heads to Japan to Whistle as Her Work.

"It was an honor and a thrill to be featured in the Weekly. It is interesting to note that there is a 'whistling boy' on the cover even though I mention in the interview that women are not encouraged as whistlers." Carole

Progress is Made!

Year later Carole creates The Masters of Musical Whistling International Festival and get the cover again. This time with a woman featured. 




One of three of the Whistling Diva's performances for Ellen.

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